Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Got E-mail??

Can anyone tell me where the summer went? I have no idea! My first few months at Darkness to Light have flown by. Cindy and I want to thank you all for such a warm welcome to the Facilitator family. It has been wonderful getting to know all of you over the phone, e-mail, in person, even on Webex!

We hope you have enjoyed reading our e-mails this summer. If you have not received our contact updates, newsletters, and "hello" messages- something may be wrong. Check with your e-mail server provider or take a look through your junk mailbox. Your filter may be blocking messages from Darkness to Light and Constant Contact.

If you have recently changed organizations or e-mail addresses, let us know. We will be happy to
update your record.

September was an AWESOME month. Stay tuned for some exciting stories and numbers in the October newsletter. Coming soon to a computer near you! ~Ellen