Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Calling All Bloggers!

Are you a jack of all trades? Do you think you have some blogging skills up your sleeve?

I bet you do! This month I invite you to be a guest blogger here at the Facilitator Blogspot. You can use this as an opportunity to share your experiences with fellow Facilitators.

No need to be an expert writer to create a blog. Treat it as a journal entry or a stream of consciousness narrative. You are making a huge difference and we would love to hear more!

Here are some ideas to get rolling:
  • Share some great testimonials or feedback from your Stewards of Children trainings

  • News from your community/organization

  • How has Darkness to Light made a difference in your personal life as well as the life of your friends, family, colleagues, students...

  • A Day in the Life of Facilitator

  • What "works" for you: How have you successfully raised awareness, promoted and raised funds for Stewards of Children training?

  • Networking opportunities for Facilitators in your area. Share some information about an event around town or a meeting place to collaborate and talk about your prevention efforts.

Those are just some suggestions. The possibilities are endless! I can't wait to hear from you.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Prevent Now! Workshop: Charleston

Stop number three for the Prevent Now! Workshop:

Our hometown, Charleston SC!

Join us in beautiful downtown Charleston and see where Darkness to Light was founded only nine years ago. We have experienced Southern hospitality in its truest form. The community has embraced the organization's many prevention efforts, attending Stewards of Children trainings, spreading the word, and donating to this incredible cause.

We want to share our experiences with you. Come learn about our specialized prevention strategies. The day and a half long Prevent Now! Workshop will better prepare you to market Stewards of Children, raise funds to support prevention efforts and build public awareness around child sexual abuse. If you attend this workshop, you will also be eligible to tap into our $500,000 Community Seed Fund to obtain free Darkness to Light products and services.

There are still plenty of seats left at this workshop. Interested in attending, let me know! We can't wait to show you our hometown.


Monday, October 12, 2009

Move from Outrage to Action

We have all seen the outrageous headlines: perpetrators, survivors and their horrific tales of abuse. When will enough be enough? When will entire communities mobilize and move towards primary prevention of child sexual abuse?

We are all part of the solution. You went through Facilitator training because you understood the need for Stewards of Children training in your community. Let us work together and encourage ALL adults to see the need for prevention training and public awareness of this epidemic.

You should have received an e-mail today with a moving opinion/editorial piece written by Anne Lee, our President & CEO. This "op/ed" was written for distribution to national and local media. Pass it on! Blog about it. Send the letter to your local newspapers. E-mail it to your friends, family and colleagues.

Let's make this message viral.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Action Packed Midwest

Looks like October will be a fabulous month! We are only nine days into the month of October and there are already 10 Facilitator Workshops and 2 Prevent Now! Workshops on our calendar.

There sure is somethin' going on in the midwest this month. Almost half of our workshops are located in this hotspot. We are excited to welcome these new additions to our pack of midwestern facilitators.

Debbie Anderson led a fantastic training in Michigan on the 2nd. Helen Kobussen prepared over 25 people to be Wisconsin facilitators on the 8th.

The crew at Missouri Kids First will host a facilitator workshop on the 26th and Michael's House, a beautiful Child Advocacy Center in Dayton, Ohio will host a workshop on the 28th.

Our President & CEO- Anne Lee, Development Coordinator- Cathy Townsend and very own Cindy McElhinney just returned from a fantastic Prevent Now! Workshop in Indianapolis. Many organizations turned out and learned how to expand their prevention efforts and tap into our Community Seed Fund.

We have workshops set up in California, Georgia, Virginia and Washington as well this month! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to getting these set up.

Interested in sending your colleagues, friends or family to any of these Facilitator Workshops? There is still plenty of time! Visit our Storefront to register.